Campaigning to reduce litter and improve water quality in Dorset


Reducing single use plastic

Plastic pollution and single use

Each of Litter Free Dorset’s campaigns aims to reduce the effects of climate change and marine pollution. Single Use Plastic (SUP) is a big problem for the environment even before it pollutes our rivers and oceans as chemicals derived from fossil fuel production are used to make almost all plastics. We want to encourage conversations about our culture of using single use, how as a society we have become dependent on the convenience it brings and how we can bring about change by reducing and reusing items.

Communities cutting down the plastic

Across Dorset many towns have worked with businesses to remove single use plastic as part of the Surfers Against Sewage Plastic Free Communities campaign. Towns such as Lyme Regis, Wimborne and Dorchester have encouraged businesses to remove as least 3 pieces of single use plastic and create a ripple effect of change within their communities.

We have a range of toolkits to help reduce single use plastic, waste and litter at home and on-the-go on our Resource Hub.

Refill Scheme

Refill is a practical tap water campaign that aims to make refilling your bottle as easy, convenient, and cheap as possible by introducing refill points on every street. We know water fountains can be expensive to install and maintain, and often hard to find in our towns and rural areas alike. We’re simply asking friendly cafes, shops, hotels and businesses to welcome you in to refill your water bottle with good old tap water – for free!

If you see this sticker it means you can refill here.

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